Words near each other
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Monument to the Victims of All Wars
・ Monument to the Victims of the Soviet Occupation
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・ Monument to the victory of the people of Slavonia
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・ Monument to Time End
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・ Monument Train Station

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Monument to the Victims of All Wars : ウィキペディア英語版
Monument to the Victims of All Wars
The Monument to the Victims of All Wars ((スロベニア語:Spomenik žrtvam vseh vojn), also ''Spomenik vsem žrtvam vojn (in z vojnami povezanim žrtvam na območju RS)'',〔(Predsednik Pahor gostil predstavitev postavitve Spomenika vsem žrtvam vojn in z vojnami povezanim žrtvam na območju RS (President Pahor Hosts Presentation of the Installation of the Monument to the Victims of All Wars and Victims Connected with Wars in Slovenia). )〕 'Monument to the Victims of All Wars and Victims Connected with Wars in Slovenia') is a monument under construction in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The monument was commissioned in 2013 by Slovenia's Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Affairs, and Equal Opportunities to commemorate those fallen in wars and those that were affected by wars in any way. The monument is planned for installation along Šubic Street (''Šubičeva cesta'') and north of Star Park (''Park Zvezda'') at South Square (''Južni trg''), which had been a projected but unimplemented urban planning project.〔(Petkovšek, Janez. 2011. Bo Južni trg postal odprt javni prostor le zaradi potreb gostincev? ''Delo'' (January 25). )〕 The monument is intended to be a key step in reconciliation of the Slovenian nation over divisions from the Second World War,〔(Hočevar, Ksenja. 2014. Spomenik slovenske razdvojenosti. ''Družina'' (January 28). )〕〔(Brkić, Vanja. 2015. Pripravljajo teren za spomenik žrtvam vseh vojn. ''Dnevnik'' (June 23). )〕 and the space is conceived as the first step in regulating the entire area between Congress Square (''Kongresni trg'') and the Knafelj Passage (''Knafljev prehod'').

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